Wednesday, October 05, 2005

boyfriend socks pattern

steps at wapping tube 4

S [M, L] (my pictures are in size M)

Small – foot circumference of 23cm/ 9 inches
Medium – foot circumference of 24cm/ 9 and a half inches
Large – foot circumference of 25cm/ 10 inches

You can also vary size with needle size (though too-loose a gage will stop the cables popping so well), but the stretchy nature of the pattern is very forgiving.

The pattern is variable to length of feet knitted for – just work foot section until desired length.

Finished sock measured 55cm/ 21 and half inches in length.

Lorna’s Laces Shepherd Sock solid [80% superwash wool, 20% nylon; 215/196 per 60g skein]; color: Pewter; 2 skeins.

US 0/2mm needles - either double-pointed, a long circular or two circulars.

Embroidery needle
Cabling needle
Stitch markers (optional)
Row counter (optional)

32 sts/44 rows = 4" in stockinette stitch


C6F: place first 3 sts on cabling needle and hold in front of work, knit next 3 sts, knit the 3 sts from cabling needle.
C6B: place the first 3 sts on cabling needles and hold behind work, knit next 3 sts, knit the 3 sts from cabling needle.

Stitch pattern
Rnd 1: k, p2[2, 3], k2, p2[3, 3], k2, p2, k6, p2, k6, p2, k2, p2[3, 3], k2, p2[2, 3], k
Rnd 2: as Rnd 1.
Rnd 3: k, p2[2, 3], k2, p2[3, 3], k2, p2, C6F, p2, C6B, p2, k2, p2[3, 3], k2, p2[2, 3], k
Rnds 4-6: as Rnd 1.

Repeat rounds 1-6 twice more.

Rnd 19: k, p2[2, 3], k2, p2[3, 3], k6, p2, k2, p2, k2, p2, k6, p2[3, 3], k2, p2[2, 3], k
Rnd 20: as Rnd 19.
Rnd 21: k, p2[2, 3], k2, p2 [3, 3], C6B, p2, k2, p2, k2, p2, C6F, p2 [3, 3], k2, p2 [2, 3], k
Rnds 22-4: as Rnd 19.

Repeat rounds 19-24 twice more.

Repeat rounds 1 to 18.


Using figure eight cast on, cast on 24 sts (that is 12 on each needle) and knit one round. You can place stitch markers at the start and middle of the round to show where the sides of the sock will be. Magic-loopers need not bother, and can just read "sm" in the pattern as meaning the end of the needle.

Rnd1: kfb, k to st before sm, kfb, kfb, k to last st, kfb.
Rnd2: knit
Repeat till 72 [76, 80] sts in total.

Work first round of stitch pattern once, this should take you half way on the round, knit to end.

Continue as this, working stitch pattern once for top of foot, then knitting till end of round for the second half of the stitches (for the sole). Work until sock measures 5cm/ 2 inches less than length of foot.

Keeping in pattern, work stitch pattern for first half of round and hold these stitches to work the heel over sole stitches.

Row 1: Knit to last stitch, move your yarn as if to purl and slip the last stitch from the left needle to the right needle. Turn work.

Row 2: Slip the first (unworked) stitch from the left needle to the right needle, and purl to the last stitch. Move the working yarn as if to knit and slip last stitch. Turn.

Row 3: Slip the first (unworked) stitch from left needle to the right one, knit to the last stitch before the unworked stitch. Wrap and turn.

Row 4: Slip the first stitch and purl across to the stitch before the unworked stitch. Wrap and turn.

Repeat rows 3 and 4 until you have 12 stitches left unwrapped in the middle of the heel.

Row 1: Knit across the unwrapped stitches to the first wrapped stitch. On this, pick up the wrap and knit it together with the wrapped stitch. Wrap the next stitch, so it has two wraps, and turn.

Row 2: Slip the first, double-wrapped, stitch and purl across to the first wrapped stitch on the other side. Pick up the wrap and purl it together with the wrapped stitch. Wrap the next stitch and turn.

Row 3: Slip the first, double-wrapped, stitch, and knit to the double wrapped stitch on the other side. Pick up both the wraps and knit them together with the wrapped stitch. Wrap the next stitch and turn.

Row 4: Slip the first, double-wrapped, stitch, and purl back to the double wrapped stitch. As before, pick up both the wraps and purl them together with the wrapped stitch. Wrap the next stitch and turn.

Repeat rows 3 and 4 until all stitches have been unwrapped and knit to the end of the heel stitches

Bring the stitches from the top of the foot back into play and continue in pattern, this time repeating the stitch pattern a second time for the stitches at the back of the foot.

You may want to pick up stitches at either end of the heel and knit them together with the next one to prevent holes at the sides of short-row heels.

Continue until sock has reached desired length or you have run out of yarn.

Work in 1x1 rib for 10 rows.

For the medium and large sizes, where you have three purl stitches together you may wish to p2tog at the start of these (i.e. turning three stitches into two) to make a neater transition from 2x2 rib based stitch to the 1x1.


Break the yarn, with about three times the sock circumference to spare and thread the end through an embroidery needle.

Step one: Pass the needle through the first two stitches on the (knitting) needle as if you were purling but keep them on the needle and pull the yarn right through.

Step two: As if to knit bring the yarn through the first stitch and let it drop off the needle.

Repeat these two steps all the way round. Secure end by passing yarn through first cast off stitch.

Weave in ends.

Repeat whole process for second sock.

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Alice said...

Wow! Those socks are seriously gorgeous. And the photo. I must not mention this to my BF as I've been knitting his one sock since April (though I should mention he does indeed have two feet).

Cool! Work of art.

Hooney said...

I love these socks. I am going to make one for my husband. Thank you so much for sharing the pattern.

Lyndsey-Jane said...

Please someone you point me in the right direction to learn about the cast-on used for this pattern.

Alice said...

Also posted on Bagpuss' blog:

the figure 8 cast on is a common approach to doing toe-up toes. It is sometimes known as the turkish cast on. you can find it here

Its the first that comes up when you google. Alts to toe-up toes are also in that article (which is a really well explained photo-tute). there is also the "magic cast on" in (i think) the last Spring knitty which a load of people find easier version of the figure 8.

aija said...

Hi! I love the look of your pattern and am casting on now. One question-- you say "repeat rows 1-6 twice more" but then the pattern starts at rows 13-18 after that; do you mean repeat 1-6 twice TOTAL or three times total (which would have me starting on row 19, I'd usually guess?)

Thanks! I'm staring at the pics but am not too much of a visual reader like that.


Alice said...

also emailed to aija


You are right, I'm wrong. This is now edited to be correct.

Dave said...

Great looking socks! Definitely on my to-do list. Thank you very much for sharing the pattern. :-)

Anonymous said...

I NEVER look at sock patterns and think "I have to knit that" but you have done it. I love them! They are gorgeous and I must force myself to finish my current project before going to the stash to pick out the perfect sock yarn.

miss ewe said...

Those are GORGEOUS! Thanks for the pattern!!! I'm on a bit of a sock bent right now, and I definitely see those ones in my future.

Anonymous said...

My boyfriend wanted me to make him socks, and your pattern, aptly named, was a call from heaven! These are my first toe-up socks however, and I'm rather confused about turning the heel in the opposite direction. Are "wrapped stitches" actual yarn overs? or do they go around the stitch below the needle? Please help!!

Alice said...

In reply to 'anonymous' (I hope you check here, seeing as you didn't leave an email address)

I don't know how far you are in, so it's hard to help, if you are on the return half of the heel, you should find the wraps there, crossing the stitches horizontally.

Try these two links, they explain toe up socks better than I ever coul.

Alice said...

Those links might not have come out well in the last comment, try this:

May said...

Thanks for the great sock pattern. I just finished a pair for my boyfriend.

sarah / knot another hat said...

Just an FYI on the pattern repeat: It says for the Stitch Pattern to do the first cable sequence 3 times total, then the 2nd sequence 3 times total, and then "repeat rounds 1-18 once more", meaning the 1st sequence again. This causes the 1st cables to be worked 6 times total in between the 2nd cables (A, B, A, A, B, A, etc).

I did the pair I'm working on as the pattern is written and it's not a bad look (but I do like your alternating A, B, A, B look the best).

Thanks for such a great pattern!

Unknown said...

So, I want to knit these socks for my boyfriend for valentines day. I am, admittedly, rather ambitious on this as i've never really knitted with such small needles....But the problem comes in where you've noted "work until sock measures 5cm less than the length of the foot". Because i don't know the length of his foot and it's a suprise. :(

Any advice?

Alice said...

posted here because Lesley didn't leave contact details...

when you knit a sock for someone you do really need to know the size of their feet. This is especially for toe-up as it's harder to just frog back to replace the toe.

There is no special advice I can give for this particular pattern. Guess. Or do something devious like get someone else to ask him, steal his shoes, or talk about how you've heard foot size is related to the size of something else... They should be reasonably streatchy, so it won't matter if you are out by 1cm or so. This page on shoe-sizes might help - google and use your common sense and you'll find something.

Unknown said...

I managed to get his shoe size. :)

thanks though! this is my first pair of toe up socks, and so far so good! I can't wait til they are finished.

Ro said...

Cable freak here, recently married to LOL (Love of Life). I wanted some nice socks for him. Thanks for the pattern!

Sarah said...

Oh Dear! I hope someone reads this and can help me!!? This is my very first attempt at making socks. I've done the toe part and it looks lovely and now I'm frightened Im going to muck everything up because I dont completely understand the instructions for the Foot part. If anyone might be able to offer some quick assistance, Id appreciate it :)

THANKS! (beautiful socks btw!)

Lynn in Tucson said...

I was so thrilled to find these socks on Ravelry! I've wanted to the do the Log Cabin socks for ages but the Aran weight just wasn't practical. Thank you so much for sharing your pattern!

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Boyfriend socks?
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