Friday, September 05, 2008

FO: cosmic radiation scarf

scarf graph - long

Knitting service, as promised, resumed.

It seems to be traditional amongst knitting science types to make your thesis supervisor the DNA cable scarf as a thank you. My PhD over and done with (by the way, thanks for all the congratulations comments, emails and ravelry messages), I guessed it was my turn.

But it felt a tad impersonal. So I checked out what my supervisor's thesis had been on, by typing her name into the library catalogue at the university she did her PhD. Answer: black holes and quantum cosmology. (she changed research interests somewhat since then, my PhD was on kids science books).

scarf graph - close 3

After dabbling with knitting a black hole (could do a great reversible cowl, no?) I asked some advice from a couple of physics friends and the scientist knitters group on ravlery, finally deciding on a wave based loosely on the power spectrum of cosmic microwave background radiation.

I was all set to cable it, but after a swatch or six, it still didn't look right. So, working on the very scientific principle that simplest is best, I did a basic flat scarf and embroidered the pattern over the top.

100g of DK British wool from eco-annie, with a bit of my tea-dyed bamboo/wool sockyarn for the detail.
Needles: 3.25mm, my favourite short smiley-faced ones.
Pattern: basic 2-stitch, 3-row basket-weave stitch pattern over 42 sts (with a stitch slipped at either side).
Ravelled: here.

I'll finish with a shot of the finished scarf's edges against some similarly fluffy clouds. The yarn was so lovely - like working straight from the sheep.

scarf clouds

Tuesday, September 02, 2008

again, excuse the non-knitting

PhD done (noname)

Passed. I have to add a short section to the introduction on methodology, and another short section on theory to the conclusion before I finally submit it to the University library, but its basically done.

Plus, I haven't blogged about this yet, but I have a job. At least for the next year, I'm going to be Lecturer in Science Communication at Imperial College, London.

Normal knitting service will be resumed shortly.