A girl rests herself quietly in Tavistock Square, a little oasis of green in the middle of London, surrounded by blue plaques hinting of lives, loves and deaths of the infamous Bloomsbury set. She sits sinking her bare toes into the grass, ripping up daisies, pleading with them to provide answers for her heart. Like millions before her she plucks petal by petal off the flower head. "he loves me, he loves me not, he loves me..."
But our girl suffers from that endless uncertainty which comes with empirical research. One flower says yes, but the other said no, five out of seven said yes, but what if the sample wasn’t big enough? And there’s always the issue of whether the daisy came to her clean (maybe a petal fell off before she got to it). Often the flowers fall to pieces in her desperately questioning fingers.
Her mission plucks Tavistock Square clean of daisies. She rushes over to the next patch of green, and devours it too. Soon every daisy in the city has been torn to pieces and our girl is sitting on a bus fleeing the crowds of gardeners after her blood. So she takes out her trusted addi turbos, magic-looping her way

The hearts are illusion knitted. Now you seen them, now you don’t. As you point and relax your toes you’ll see them come and go. As they work their magic, recite your question. The design is toe-up, made to measure. The number of pattern repeats will therefore depend on the size of your foot. Once knitted, count the hearts on one (and only one) sock: odds say yes, even’s don’t.
I got a smile from this blog entry - how to integrate sadistics (statistics for the uninformed) with knitting.
It flashed through my mind that if the sample wasn't big enough, she could use the sampling method inspired by Guinness. (That's where the students t sampling method came from, right? And that is a method for small samples?)
Maybe even imbibe some of the Guinness so she doesn't care about possible biases in her sampling.
Mind you, it IS hard to knit after drinking.
Wow. Just when I thought I didn't need any more socks, you proved me wrong. I am off to the dye vats now...
Your Love Me Not socks are fantastic looking! I can't wait to give this a try! Thanks for posting the pattern!
those are fabulous! nice job!
Love the LoveMeKnot socks.
I'm mentioning the pattern in a knit newsletter. Can I have permission to print your LoveMeKnot sock pics?
reply to beansprot - can I have some more info! or an email address at least to reply to? (I have no other way of replying than this as your address isn't registered with blogger... I hope you see it). My address is at the bottom of my knitty and magknits patterns, or from my college webpage link at the top of my blog.
I love your story that goes with this pattern! (The pattern is very clever, too) This is exactly why research can make us crazy. ;)
These look great. I think I'll knit a pair for my daughter. She'll enjoy them.
Wow. Just when I thought I didn't need any more socks, you proved me wrong. I am off to the dye vats now...
Wow those are simply beautiful pair of socks, love to see these.
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