Needles: 3.75mm Rosewood Circulars. Truly a dream to knit with.
Yarn: Kid silk haze, 5 whole balls. Well, I have 3/4 a ball left over, very frustrating, I think if I did it again I'd probably make it a slightly tighter gauge which would keep it to 4 balls.
Pattern: Print O the Wave Stole from Eunny. It has mistakes, it's not especially well written. I really think she should go over this pattern again. It'd take her 5 minutes to fix and re-upload. As a free pattern on a blog, it's fine (though I'd expect an et cetera), but there are too many problems for it to be a decent calling card for the editor of Interweave. Still, the finished piece was nice enough. We gave it to Marcus' Gran this weekend (for her 80th birthday) - he was right, the colour really does bring out her eyes.
EDIT: Mistakes are as Eunny posted in knitter's review (see comments on this post). I did the two panels, but if I did it again I'd do just one. I actually think it'd look nicer.