What's this? Soy silk. Laceweight. It's destined for the crochet hook. A very small crochet hook. All will be revealed in a later post. The yarn is, worryingly, called Infinity. This project may take a while...
I passed my transfer "exam". Although it was so unlike an exam it seems silly to call it that (they told me I passed as soon as I'd sat down) it was really just a chance to sit with a group of academics in my department and go through in some detail the work I've done so far. Useful though, and I now have a much tighter plan for the finished thesis (not to mention fear of how on earth I'll get it written before I'm 30). Plus it means my funding is confirmed till April 2008.
Back to knitting, my lace chart from the weekend now looks like this:

Knitted up, it looks rather like a lace pattern I've seen in a Harmony guide, so I probably could have saved myself the maths. But to be honest that was the main attraction.
I'm off to Whistable in a few hours, a long weekend with boyfriend. We plan to eat oysters, drink ale, go "ooo pretty" at boats, avoid seagull poo and generally laze about. I've been taking exams this week and he's been organising a load of them, so we both could do with a few days out of the city.
oooh, soy silk laceweight. i can't wait to see what you do with it!
have a nice relaxing weekend!
That title is hilarious. My son is currently obsessed with Toy Story, so I hear that line about 7000 times per day, mostly when he's jumping off the couch.
Have fun on holiday
... and good luck with the Soy Silk
Congrats on the exam
I love the Kent coast! Hope you had fun. Looking forward to seeing what you do with the Soy Silk - is it sticky? I heard it was sticky.
Congratulations, Alice! Good news.
Your weekend sounds idyllic. Hope it was. :)
I believe everyone must look at this.
I saw a lot of helpful data above!
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