Saturday, December 23, 2006


For once, London actually looks like American tv says it should. We have fog! It's crazy and loads of people have been stranded at airports. You can see pretty pictures here.

My flat had a dinner party on the solstice and a bit of early present exchange. My flatmate gave me the Pictorial Guide to Modern Home Knitting! It of the famous endpaper.
the pictorial guide to modern home knitting knitting gadgets!

I gave Alexis the scarves/ headband things which were a runner up in the Knitterati competition. She emailed us when she started school in LA to say the air conditioning on buses was so strong she wanted a scarf (even when you're still sweating from how hot it is outside). This design, called "frillybits", hopes to help her. A hair band which doubles as a neck warmer; something to aid sweaty head or cold neck. It can also be tied round your thigh, if you are so inclined, or worn as a bracelet.

It employs a crossed stitch effect, similar to the one I used in the tie of the hotwaterbottle cover, which makes a nice alternative to eyelets. I also think it'd make a great cuff pattern on a sweater. I've written up the pattern here.

Seasons Greetings to all, I'll leave you with a photo of some of the Christmas "cards" I sent this year (they are tree decorations). You can also see the UK Christmas stamps - doesn't Santa look like he's doing a poo down the chimney?

christmas decorations


Anonymous said...

Thanks a lot for the alice-band-scrunchy-scarf pattern !
And yes, that Santa does look like he's pooing.

littlelixie said...

Ha! Yes the stamp does look like that. Hadn't thought of that before. Happy Christmas!

Stacey said...

oh my gosh - that is hilarous about the stamp! so true!!!!!

Anonymous said...

I love the pooing Santa. We had NAMBLA stamps here in the states once - they were meant to encourage mentoring but they looked really pervy.

I love your satin trees.

Anonymous said...

mm. london. hoping to move there after school's done with. *shakes fist at college*

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Little doubt, the dude is totally just.

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hmmm.. this is also a nice pattern.. i like it..

site said...

This can't have effect in actual fact, that's exactly what I suppose.