I made it because I was incensed by my grant being over a month late (I should get it by the end of this week). It's not one person's fault. It's not even, really, several people's fault. None of those involved did anything other than what they thought was right. But the systems are badly thought out, with a shocking lack of understanding between organisations.
This is a large part of why it was quite so frustrating; I couldn't focus my rage on a particular person but had to wade through layers of mistake-ridden bureaucracy (please note, if it had been one person's fault I wouldn't have stuck pins in them, just written a letter or ranted about them to my friends).
Hence the voodoo doll. It lets me materialise these systems and cultures and layers and layers and layers of mess-ups into one small, single entity who fits in my pocket. Better than that, it's anthropomorphised. It has a face, eyes and heart, all of which I can stick a needle through.
Please insert bitter and evil laugh here.
Wow. I NEED one of those. I've got a new term in my neck of the woods. Crapademia. In fact, I'll take a good many of them. My fingers are crossed (and ready to help you voodooize those deserving a good thwack!) that you get your $$$ soon... I have been in that boat before. School bureaucracy sucks.
hahahah, you may need to make a pattern for this one! i can think of a few people that i've often wanted to make voodoo dolls for :)
oh, and i forgot to send you this link! i saw some voodoo dolls when i was in puerto rico last. very funny.
I think we could all use one of those at one time or another!!!!!
Seriously, I think you need to share the voodoo doll pattern with us.
I have been fighting bureaucrats at the hospital I work in from day one. The day that they didn't believe I was hired.
Hope you get your money soon! Fight the power!
Those pictures just made my day. I'm still giggling over the physical manifestation of badly managed bureaucracy, with a needle through the heart. Brilliant! I hope your funding comes through soon. (I love the needles! Where did you find them?)
I love it! I could use one of those, too.
Hmmmm...I think I need to knit myself a voodoo doll, too. Just to get some of those repressed anger out of my system.
I need voodoo doll really bad!!
Are you selling does?
I hate my brother...hehe just kidding!!
Anyway...You could help me with this one~~
See my blog more info!!
Tee hee! I'm going to bear this in mind as a strategy depending on how my potential PhD funding application progresses this year.
You absolutely MUST try some Grit cake recipes, if you want a good cake recipe sans eggs. The cake recipes are all vegan, though the frosting is made with cream cheese and butter. But let's focus on the vegan cake, because these recipes really are to die for. You probably don't have much access to the Grit Cookbook over in the UK, so if you email me (I need your email address!) I will be more than happy to email you back some Grit cake recipes. I personally know many of the Grit restaurant owners, so I feel that I am not infringing on any copyright issues, just spreading the Grit love. Email me at meganrisse@gmail.com if you're interested, and thanks for the great comment and useful suggestions re veganism! :o)
Awesome. The photos are really expressive; I think they say it all.
And do you find yourself drwan to poking any one feature more than the others? I think I would stab the eyes frequently. Ahem.
The photos are so good! I can feel your frustration.
Do you have a pattern for these. They are great!
also posted on cora's blog:
thanks for you comment on my blog - no I'm not going to post a pattern for the voodoo doll, it is basically five tubes and a ball sewn together. there is one on the anti-craft though - google it.
PLEASE post pattern for voodoo doll! So need one!!!
(you didn't leave a link or email so I can't reply elsewhere)
No I won't post a pattern, see my last comment. There are loads of other voodoo doll patterns online already and my one's not that great. Plus you can figure it out yourself.
Do people realise how long it takes to write up patterns, even for small things?
i hate voodoo
Little doubt, the dude is completely just.
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