It was named after a very dear friend who died this summer, and in her memory really should be knit in purple.

Click on the photo to go to where there are a few more photos.
a knitting blog
Bottoms Up (Ravelry)
Wonderland Socks (Purlescence)
Lion cloth (Knitty)
Ester (Knitty)
Bakerloo (Ravelry)
Rosalind (Ravelry)
exchequered (knitty)
Congrats on the pattern. It's super-lovely!
Congrats on the pattern! I just saw it in the mag - it looks gorgeous and such a fantastic purple color!
Congratulations. The pattern and photos are lovely.
i love it!! congrats!
I love it! I think the design is so original and interesting - thanks so much!
Woo hoo! What a great way for you to remember your friend. It's very touching.
It will be in my to-do list!
Thanks for this great pattern - I immediately fell in love with it, and loved your comment about mentally unravelling people. Glad to know I'm not alone with this slightly obsessive quirk. People do tend to get uncomfortable when you've stared at them for too long though...
very nice - so pretty and such unusual construction!
ester is my favorite pattern from the new knitty. congratulations, i LOVE it.
Its a great pattern! I'll probably put it in the knitting cache to be done. Great work!
Congrats! It's wonderful. Purple is my favorite color also.
What a pretty pattern.
alice it is just gorgeous! i love it and it is definitely one of my favourite designs in the current knitty as well as being a beautiful sentiment.
Is that photo taken in Greenwich foot tunnel?!
That is fantastic! Just what I've been looking for since watching The Verdict a few weeks ago & seeing Ingrid Tarrant with a wrap with armholes! Not a patch on yours as hers was a beige ribbed affair, but I loved the concept. Thank you so much for your time, creativity & generosity in sharing your talent.
I've just started making it - will let you know how it goes! Thanks for the pattern.
Congratulations, what a wonderful thing to do, I saw this pattern on Knitty the other day, and it was the only one I am considering knitting!!! Take Care! Kirsty
Congratulations. And what a wonderful, thoughtful way to honor your friend's memory and meaning in your life.
I'm very sorry about your friend. However, I would like to personally thank you for including larger sizes. Those of us who need them APPRECIATE IT!
Gorgeous! Love the selection of color and stitch. Really great work.
It's beautiful. The construction is very witty and i love this modern version of the aran style.
I'm probably going to hurry and knit it before winter's over.
Condolences and congratulations.
Hi, I just started this tonight, and I am wondering about the sizing. How stretched is the ribbing supposed to be? I've gotten about 10 rows in, and it is supposed to be 17 inches wide for the size I'm doing. It is more like 11! If I really stretch it it might be 17, but it doesn't look that stretched in the photos. I'm knitting it in a different yarn, but I did get gauge.
note for Joanna (you didn't leave an email and your blogger profile is locked, so hope you think to check back here...)
The measurements were taken over the cable pattern, not ribbing, so you'd expect them to be slightly narrower at this point but not that much of a difference! It was relaxed, but not stretched, at all. I can only think that your ribbing style is especially tight (a simple st st gague doesn't fit everything) and/or maybe you are using a tight cast on?
Try changing cast on, and maybe go up a needle size (or if you like the feel of the fabric at that gauge, do a size up).
It's hard to give any more advice than that, if you are still having trouble EMAIL ME (address on knitty pattern page) and I'll see if can be of more help.
Love this so much we're starting a KAL!!! Thanks for the dreamy pattern. We're all knitting in purple so far :-)
I just finished knitting your lovely pattern. I adore it. For a number of reasons, wearing it now reminds me of a friend of mine who sadly died. Making something is a beautiful way to pay tribute to your loss.
Quite worthwhile information, thank you for the article.
This can't truly have success, I suppose so.
I found a great deal of helpful info in this post!
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