In my last post I said my Great Aunt Betty was ill in hospital. She died the next day. We were all thinking how awful to loose to two aunts so soon after my Dad dying when, on thursday, I had a phonecall saying one of my oldest friends had been killed. She was 24.
To be honest it's still sinking in. It's such a shock.
I was going to start on all the gift knitting I have waiting for me for this term. But it seems a bit hard to think ahead right now. I can't really cope with the idea of anything complex. Instead I seem to be mass producing these.

Made from leftover 4ply, and applying cross stitch (that's crossing the knit stitches, not needlework) I worked the design out by playing with swatches. They can be layed out flat into an alice-band or pulled tight frilled up as a scrunchie. They can be attached round the thigh as a garter (though I've never quite understood garters) or worn round the neck as cozy and slightly Edwardian collar. They are my entry for the Knitterati competition.
Workwise, I'm transcribing interviews, which is sort of the academic's equivalent of st st in the round.

so sorry to hear about your string of bad happenings. hugs to you!
I'm very sorry for your losses. Take it easy on yourself. Big hugs.
I'm sorry to hear that you've had to sustain so many losses right in a row. Big *hugs* from across the pond. Hang in there.
I am so very sorry.
I'm so sorry for your losses.
So sorry! I will keep you in my thoughts.
I am so sorry for all of your losses but to lose a friend *hugs*
I can't think of anything new to say, but I wanted to add my sympathy to the growing pile.
Hugs and good wishes.
Last night I sat in a car with four people. Three of us have all lost parents (we are all between the ages of 19 and 27). My father died suddenly last month.
I cannot ever pretend to know how others are feeling but please know that our compassion and love is all around you, even if you just don't feel it sometimes.
So sorry to hear your awful news. I will be thinking of you.
Sorry for loosing so many loved ones. Hugs from across the pond and take care.
My goodness. I am so very sorry to hear of your losses. How awful.
How terrible! I never know what to say, just know that you're in my thoughts. *hug*
I'm so sorry Alice, you are having a horrible year. My thoughts are with you.
Love Lara x
I am so sorry for your losses Alice, and my thoughts are with you.
It can't really have success, I suppose like this.
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