First up is a classic in pink-green combinations: rhubarb. This is mixed with some pear to bulk out the fruit, sitting waiting for crumble topping.

We made it yesterday, as part of a feast for Saturday night knitting in front of the telly (and, oh my, how good was Dr Who?) but stuffed ourselves on homemade pizza, so left it for breakfast instead. Leftover crumble for breakfast always makes me think of a line in the Railway children - "apple pie for breakfast, we can't be poor" - and so feel very decedent.
But onto knitting. The current state of my stash (click on the photo for the flickr version with labels).

It does seem to be very green-orientated. I'm not sure how this has happened, but I must be on a bit of a green kick as I noticed a similar effect in my wardrobe. I think it's a sub-conscious attempt to counter-act the pink kick I was on previously. As evidence of said pink-kick, some roses, waiting to be sewn onto the front the panel of my current WIP:

The yarn tails are all kinky because it's recycled yarn and I was too lazy to wash it between knitting (it used to be this). And lastly, a study in pinks removed from away from any green and taken to extreme (i.e. red). Strawberry Jam! Made by my flatmate yesterday. Inspired by a Nigella Lawson recipe, she used balsamic vinegar. Very yummy.

* EDIT As Heather suggests, there is also "Blue and green should not be seen, except with something inbetween" and, thinking back, I think my mum's version was a mix (i.e. fairy queens only wear blue and green) - I remember a friend convincing me it was pink and green when we were at school. Mmmm, I guess it's the sort of thing everyone has their own varient of.
** Did anyone else have adult-sized dress-up wings when they were 18? Or was that just around the bubble-blowing punkish-goth crowds of the late 90s?
Well, I saw a Fiona Apple concert in 2000 and she wore a pair of wings the entire time...
Thank you for reminding me of the Railway Children, I loved that book so much.
And pink and green is a most unbeatable combination! Have a look at the Lily Pulitzer catalog and you'll see how we Yanks make it work!;)
I proudly wore my fairy wings/wand/bubbles until I was 22!
Ummm . . . the pink and green thing? My favorite color combo in the world (possibly eclipsed by pink and brown). And Lily Pulitzer made her company on those two colors as witnessed by all the purses floating around.
No teasing about Dr. Who! Season 3 won't air in the States until September; my husband is actually thinking about staying in our hotel room for the finale (a total fluke that we will be in London when it airs).
never had any fairy wings... i am wearing pink & green today, though!! a great colour combination indeed, just as red & turquoise...
I love wings! I just knit myself a pair recently.
And I definitely must agree with the pink and green combo -- it's all I seem to be blogging about lately.
Hmm, with my mum (and grandma) it was always 'Blue and green should not be seen, except with something inbetween'.
That said, I wear pink and green, as well as blue and green, together a lot.
mmmmm rhubarb crumble..... it's not only me. Seems like a lot of green had been making its way in to my home without my noticing it at all. ;-)
my grandma always let me have apple pie and ice cream for breakfast, she said it was a pennsylvania dutch breakfast.
sometimes she gave me hershey's kisses as breakfast dessert too. it used to make my mom crazy, but i didn't mind at all
I still have some fairy wings, and I'm 24. Although I've only worn them at Glastonbury; most of the time they hang on my wall. Still, what better place to be a fairy than at a festival?
Pink and green is probably my favourite colour combination! I'd never heard that rhyme, but I really like it! I will think of it often when I get dressed. The linen yarn is so. beautiful. I can't wait to see whatever jewelly incarnation awaits it. I have masses of green in my stash - most of it a very dark pine/cedar colour - but now I seem to be leaning toward blue for the first time since I was fifteen, and I don't want to knit anything with it at the moment. Truly, stashed for another day!
I love pink and green together - it so reminds me of the preppie days and izod... :)
I've always known the rhyme as 'red and green should never be seen except upon an Irish queen'
Much as I love pink and green I'm trying to force myself to knit with other colours too! It's hard to do so while also trying to use my stash though.
I wear both colors together most of the time. Hmmm....I always thought I was a princess, but I can be a fairy queen.
I know the "blue and green should never be seen without a colour in between version", but frankly, it's all a load of nonsense and the only colour combo I would outlaw is navy and black. Everything else is fine by me, especially if it's as pretty as rhubarb.
Um...Yummo! Rhubarb pear crumble? Yummo. Yarn stash? Yummo. Strawberry jam with balsamic? Yummo. Thank you for such a delicious post.
I think pink and green look great together, am I crazy, or blind?
my mum always said "red and green should never be seen, except upon an irish colleen" i think an irish colleen is like an irish dancer or something... lol. hmmm so many rhymes against combining green!! poor green. it's my favourite colour.
YUMMY Pink and green are the best! ANd I am making Strawberry rhubabr pie to day Yummo
I hope you don't mean to say that the picture was your entire stash?! But the Louet looks wonderful.
And pink/red and green come together in nature. Think of, um, watermelon!
It can't really have effect, I believe this way.
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