I thought I'd do the skyline at the bottom, as a sort of visual 'frill' and then a rain-like pattern through the scarf to (a) go with the London theme and (b) break up the screaming pink a bit. The letters (the recipant's initals) are only on one end, floating into the end of the 'rain' section.

I knitted them mainly on the bus - it seemed appropriate, plus I have to look at the work the whole time with doublekntting, and when I knit at home I like to watch tv/ surf the net/ talk to people. When commute-knitting, I tend to use circs, even for knitting flat. Because they are shorter, my elbows won't annoy people sitting next to me. But with the extra balls of yarn for double-knitting, the wire can be annoying, so I used a pair of dpns with point protects at the end to turn them into a set of short straights. This also meant I could use an especially pointy pair we had (a good point being very important for quite double-knitting).

Anne-Marie and I choose the yarn together and, though I was a bit concerned about quite how pink it'd be, it worked out ok. It's Debbie Bliss Cathay, which I normally avoid because it's so splitty but, as long as I was careful (which you have to be with double-knitting anyway) it worked really well. A neat, defined look and lovely sheen over the finished piece. Plus they feel really silky. I was worried it wouldn't be warm enough for a Canada scarf, but with the two layers it feels pretty cosy.

Before anyone asks, I'm not posting the pattern. But you are welcome to try to transcribe the chart from my pictures - it's pretty straightforward. If anyone wants advice on double-knitting. I said all I have to on the topic here.
They are splendid! I am sure the recipients will thrilled to bits.
very cute.. i love the skyline. it's very recognizable :)
Lovely! I love that the little polka dots are rain :)
those scaves are just lovely. love them!!
What a great idea, and so well executed. Nice job.
Very cute! Great job! The skyline is awesome.
What a fantastic idea! Would you mind if I stole it (I'd give you credit, of course) and did a Philadelphia scarf? No worries if you'd rather I didn't. Really. :) You can never trust these weirdos on the internet.
also emailed to specs:
no worries 'steal' away!
I would be delighted to receive such a lovely scarf. The skyline is beautifully done. I'm not much keen on Cathay normally, but by double-knitting it you seem to have made a really pleasing and practical fabric.
I was wodnering how you hold your yarn when double-knitting. I'm working on a project (your Exchequered), and am finding if I'm not careful (readjusting my hold every colour change), the yarn twists around itself in between the two halves of the scarf, and shows through more. I'm not sure if this is just my method, or an issue inherent to the technique.
also left on Michael's blog:
I tend to hold both yarns in togeher, only putting the needle into the colour required - one of those colourwork finger guide things might be useful (though I found them really uncomfortable). This often results in twisted purled stitches, if I'm working quickly and so a bit slopperily - so I have to knit into the back of the stitch once I've turned (combined knitting style).
I really like this scarf. Enough to make a similar one for myself! Very nice...
those are really great. you've got mad scarf skillz
They are absolutely gorgeous - sorry it's taken me till now to say so! Seriously, I adore them. I don't usually go for pink and white (which is all my 4yrold sister will wear) but those shades just work together really well. I do wish you'd post a pattern since I am feeling lazy and unable to work things out. Not that you should let me sway you or anything.
beautiful London Skyline Scarves, did you make them? and if you did or if you know the person who made them, can you, please, tell me how I can buy them??
The scarves are totally amazing! Nice choice of colors too. And you still managed to knit even if you're busy, that's amazing. Thanks for sharing this wonderful post!
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