One the left side, a slightly better shot of my squirrelly mittens. On the right, Marcus is wearing a pair of mitten-topped gloves I made ages ago, pre-blog (loosely based on the broadstreet pattern). They've lasted really well, he wears them all the time. Marcus also caught me engaging in some sneaky yarn sniffing.

A 'ps' for ravelry users: I'm a stupid person and had "messaging" switched off for a load of last week. So if you messaged me, friended me or left a comment and didn't get a reply, give me a poke.
Thank you for this very timely reminder that I wanted to make Squirrelly mittens for this winter!
i love those squirrel mittens :) if i actually enjoyed doing colorwork i just might make a pair!
Awwww! How cute the little mitts holding hands :) Sounds like a nice trip along the Thames :)
Mmmm... mitten envy.
Sounds like a wonderful day! Love those squirrel mitts - with all the gorgeous colorwork popping up these days, I'm going to have to make like a lemming and jump in!
love the squirrel mitts! yarn sniffing - a great way to pass the time!! :)
I will join you in some yarn sniffing! I have a tendency to sniff and to rub against my cheek the yarn at Webs - our local yarn store. Once I even sniffed a really nice owl button they had! It looked sweet!
Beautiful mittens! I *will* knit those someday.
Mittens hugging! That and the last photo make this the cutest post I've seen all week.
squirrelly mittens are the best. sniffing them? even better.
What cute mitten holding action.
And I second Ashley, thanks for the reminder about squirell mittens
Love those squirrel mittens! I've been meaning to make my own pair for forever.
Those are beautiful! They look so warm. I've been thinking about making another pair of mittens for myself this winter and this post is the perfect inspiration.
I'm so jelous of the trip in such a cool boat!
this is my first menssenger because i dont speak very well inglish. I like your blog so mach, I (knitty)too, its may activity favority.
What a wonderful thing to do with a weekend! You look lovely in that picture too. Hope this weekend is equally good xx
Thank you for all producte.Its a nice job.
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