It's a ball of 4ply tweed I got cheap because it was a funny dye-lot. I just knitted a st st tube, folded it for double thickness, kitchenered up the end and threw it in the washing machine. Once felted I sewed the zip and a few decorative buttons. Done. Perfect size for my pda and a few business cards. An evening's knitting, an evening's sewing.
It was my birthday yesterday, and my lovely BF made me a cake. A chocolate Guinness cake (recipe in Feast). As you can tell from how much was left by the time it was light enough to take a photo, it's good cake.

A BF who makes cake is a good BF indeed! Happy Birthday!
(cute little pouch too!)
Kudos to a man who can cook/bake, but I like the pouch (he's taken, so I guess he's out of my league)
I have a few of skeins of rowanspun 4ply in my stash that i couldn't find a use for, but now I can make a pda case. I am getting a pda (i think the same one as you) through my uni in a couple of weeks. Just to decide on colour - bright orange, bright green or a more conservatove grey?
I love buttons sewn on things like that. Very cool. The guiness cake sounds....interesting...but those chocolate ball things with piped marzipan, oh baby! Do they taste as good as they look?
Happy Birthday for yesterday!
Palju Õnne! :P
mmmmm - that sounds really yummy!!!!!! I'm surprised there was any left!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! (yummo to the good boyfriend's cake). That little purse is so cute and I think it is a good idea to have little projects interspersed between the big ones, something I always forget about!
The little purse with buttons is super cute... but that cake! YUM! Glad you got a wonderful birthday cake from a wonderful boy like mine who is willing to bake you one. Happy belated birthday!
Belated happy B-Day to you!
many happy returns
I think we should use more buttons!
Happy Birthday!
Seems there have been so many blogger bdays lately - mine incl.
Love the Feast cookbook. Now I'll have to try that cake.
Have you ever tried the cheesecakelets? Divine...
Happy Birthday!! Another Aries....
I like your pda pouch. Those little projects can be so satisfying, that (almost) instant gratification and all.
I think I'll make that cake for my husband for our anniversary. Though he might rather just have the Guinness.
Hope you had a great birthday. That little purse is so adorable, esp. the buttons!
A chocolate guinness cake??! Oh my god where has this been all my life?
Happy happy birthday too, I hope you had a fabo day!
Very belated happy birthday! Been out of the loop for a bit, and now realising that I've missed loads of Taurean friends' birthdays, my dad's included....
that cake looks amazing - no wonder there was only that much left! Happy Birthday!!
Goodness, there is a great deal of effective data in this post!
Indeed that cake looks so delicious! why you don't post the recipe?
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