A (cheshire) cat. He hides, you seek. Go on. You know you want to knit some. Because everybody needs a pair of kitty-illusion socks where the feline appears and disappears as you point your toes and the tail twists itself leisurely up your leg.

For Purlescence's luxurious style, I used cashsoft, so have given them leather patches on the soles (for slipper socks), but the pattern would work just as well in a more hard-wearing sockyarn.
Thanks to Robynn for her great competition which inspired the project and Kirsty for acting as legs model for the pics.

I love love love these socks. I'm a big time lurker, but I had to come out of hiding to let you know. I've found a Christmas gift for my sister. Thanks!
Another fantastic and clever FO!
So glad you could finally post pictures. So, so cool!
Those are brilliant! Thank you for the pattern.
Extremely cool socks -- thank you so much for sharing the pattern!
Ooh, glad to see the FO post!
oh, neat!!!
Gosh..must learn to make striped socks...must learn....
I am madly in love with these socks. I can't think of something more fitting to depict with illusion knitting than the Cheshire Cat.
Very cool! (also, I just finished an Exchequered scarf, and thank you very much for that pattern, it is most keen)
This is your design? Amazing, great photos, nice legs and amazing socks!
Amazing socks! This the the first I've ever seen illusion socks. Fantastic and fun!
I am so excited about these sox! I love them. Adore them. I have started them. I chose bright pink and purple. I love illusion knitting and have never seen it on sox. I love striped sox. What a beautiful way to join the 2. Kudos!
Thank you for this pattern! I've been looking for a while for a pair of striped socks to knit for my best friend that aren't so boring I'll never finish them. And this is perfect because one of her cats is grey and the other is black, so I'm knitting a complementary pair for her in black and grey :-)
I used to wear similar socks when I was kid, so I have a nice socks , it was so coll because had the face of Hello Kitty, so I think that it was so cute.... the socks were pink!!!!
Quite useful info, much thanks for the post.
Hey, there is really much worthwhile material in this post!
Great post! Keep it up the good work and also keep posting.
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