Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Ready, get set... go!

For some reason I've sighed up for the Knitting Olympics (see button in sidebar). I know the some reason. Its because I finished my work for the day a bit early and this seems to have fooled me into thinking I don't generally have oodles and oodles to do.

I did realise I need to knit a pair of socks by then anyway, so that's my challenge. I was going to do some for my granddad for his birthday. He's going to be 85 and has bad feet/ back/ knees. Last time I saw him he said he had problems getting shop-bought socks on but could manage "bigger" ones. In some ways its quite easy, but I do have a load of other (secret) stuff to be doing then too.

Dunno if I'll get some more DK-weight (like I did Marcus' wellie socks) or do them in sockweight but looser than usual (seeing as I still have the Angel stuff I bought for xmas but didn't get delivered in time). Or I might do it sportweight as a medium. Mmmm. Ooo, to make it a "proper" challenge I might do it two coloured.


Generic Cialis said...

I wasn't aware that such Olympics existed, good that you entered it. said...

Really useful material, lots of thanks for your post.