I've finished the socks for my boyfriend, but they are a present so are staying unphotographed for now. Not that he takes enough of an interest to read this, grumble grumble grumble.
He knows he's getting socks for his birthday. Seeing as I spent most of Spring compulsively knitting socks (and he teased me lots about it) I figured he would expect some, let alone guess. So I took advantage and measured his feet properly for them. But he has no idea of the yarn or design. I saw a picture of some pink ribbon yarn bedsocks the other day, I might start to tease him with the idea of those...
One of my best friends, Alexis, is about to dissapear off to LA to do a PhD. So my flatemate Kirsty and I had lots of fun setting up a treasure hunt round town for her all day on sunday. Alexis thought the three of us were going to spend the day hanging round Brixton, instead she found a big purple envelope of clues on her doorstep that moring. You can see some details of the hunt here, though that site might make more sense once Alexis and I have updated it with more photos later in the week.
The picture is the last clue in the hunt, which was made by Kirsty's friend Rob and is very clever. It's a bit like illusion knitting. Made from a Muji London set, Alexis had to lay out the exactly pieces on the map Rob had plotted out, then place herself as if she was in South East London (where we all live). From this position odd marks Rob had made on the pieces arranged themselves into a message (the postcode for her Uncle's house, where we finished the day with dinner).
Aah, I saw the pics on your flickr and wondered how the bits fitted together. Very clever.
Ooh, a treasure hunt!! What a great idea! (The last time I organized one was for my little brothers, in a feeble attempt to keep them busy and out of parents' hair for one afternoon. I think I had a better time than they did).
I LOVE that wood London Eye!
It's incredibly immature of me, I know, but the wooden gherkin always makes me giggle.
what a great idea!!! that illusion map at the end is very clever indeed. did she have a good time?
I share your grumbles, as my darling doesn't read my blog either. I just bought beads to make the beaded i-cord bracelet. Now all I have to do is cast on and knit!
So impressive! How long does it take to plan and implement such a clever treasure hunt? Again, you've set my wheels spinning.
That is, like, so totally cool.
Ribbon yarn SOCKS!
*runs away in fear*
Cool! I wish I was your real life friend. You sound a lot of fun to hang out with.
I kept picking up and putting down the Muji London set when I visited their shop 2 weeks ago. If I had noticed that the Gherkin was one of the pieces, that might have been the nudge I needed to buy it.
What a GREAT idea for a treasure hunt! Simply fabulous!
Quite useful info, much thanks for the post.
I fully tie in with everything you have printed.
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