I've finished the tablecloth. But its going to be a gift, so I'll leave posting with proper blocked FO for now. Suffice to say blocking did do it's wonders and I'm very proud. The soysilk yarn smelt funny when wet. Worse than wet wool. Chemical, like paint.
So on to the next project - Forecast using the yarn above. It's not the colour I expected, but nice enough. I cast on during knitting cinema on saturday and I'm already into the fourth pattern repeat. I best get balling that final skien.
Also, my boyfriend's mum has asked me to knit a balaclava. The only information I have is that it is for a child in year 5 (10 year old) and that it should have a full open face, not just a small slat for eyes. I figured black aran weight. Patternwise, I think I'll just work a top-down hat but keep going for longer, casting off central third (or half?) stitches for face and rejoining in round for a ribbed neck.
Apparently my knitterati entry was a runner up. I didn't know I was even shortlisted, so it was a lovely surprise. My prize was some sock yarn and a felted bag, both beautiful. Check out the pictures of the finalists - the winning piece is amazing.
I've had a pattern published in Yarn Forward, but am yet to get my hands on a copy - anyone seen it?
Hmm, I wonder how I can get my hands on a copy of Yarn Forward in the States... I can't wait to see your design!
oooh, a new pattern! can't wait to see that.. and the tablecloth :)
congrualations on surprises! and good luck with the balaclava
I've got a copy. Love your top pattern!
Love the top - it looks great! Very pink champagne like....
I'd have given my copy to Kirsty last week if I'd known you hadn't got yours yet!
Has yours still not arrived? I'll pop another in the post tomorrow, can't have one of our loveliest designers being withouth..
It is really a surprise, the design is relatively unique. Still more info would've been great.
Hey man, I really like your blog, i would to follow your entries by month order but it seems your links at he right side of the screen are not working and they should be.
Thanks for this article, really useful piece of writing.
It really seems that people are really interested in these thing.
It really seems that people are really interested in these thing.
Hopefully with the content on this blog, I can add to my insight, thank you
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