I've been tagged by Marion my Estonian SP7. Apparently Estonian bloggers have been doing lots of shots of the insides of their bags. Luckily, not only did I have a camera in my bag but my latest FO - so this nose into my luggage can include some knitting content.
Above you can see the bag itself. All cower to its huge and stuffed-to-brim-ness. No laptop today, so its actually quite light for once. Plus I'm having an amazing two nights in a row of sleeping in my own bed, so no shots of dirty panties today, sorry.

The first of the two large pockets contains gym-kit, which you don't really need to see. There are trousers, a small towel and a tshirt. I wasn't going to show you the sports bra anyway.

This pocket seems to collect various forms of anti-cold and anti-lactose tablets too.

It's a shame the inside of my knitting bag is classified. I'm quite intrigued to know what other people have in theirs too. So I won't tag anyone's hand/day-bag but if anyone reading this wants to flash their knitting bag on their blog, consider themselves well and truely tagged.
Will do proper FO shots of the DNA blanket in a day or so.
I can see, why you need big bag!
And I thought I carried around the kitchen sink.... ;)
i'm surprised you have room for knitting! where do you put the laptop?
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